A few weeks ago, news broke that Meta, WhatsApp's parent company, was working on a new bottom call bar. The new interface features a more modern design, with a larger profile photo, as well as making it easier for users to interact during calls.
Now, we know that the company is also preparing Augmented Reality features that will also arrive with the new bar design. The first to Georgia WhatsApp Number List report the new WhatsApp feature were our colleagues at WABetainfo, who discovered the feature in the platform's beta update for Android The new Augmented Reality options come with several effects and filters that users of the application can use in their calls.
As if it were Instagram stories, the company is integrating new effects and filters with AR for video calls, which will reach all users in a future update. The truth is that these effects will allow people to add fun and interactive elements to their video calls. For example, they can enable facial filters such as skin retouching and low-light mode to improve visibility in low-light environments.
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In addition to the augmented WhatsApp Number Database reality updates, the company is developing avatars so that users can use them during video calls. Additionally, WhatsApp is working on a tool to edit backgrounds during calls.
For now, it is not clear when these updates will arrive in the stable version of WhatsApp, but it is expected to take just a couple more weeks in development. What is certain is that these updates follow the company's steps on the path of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and now, augmented reality. Remember to follow us on X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to find out all the latest news from the technological world and not miss the launch of these new features on WhatsApp.